Review Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-45mm F/35-56 Asph Mega Ois Lens
Olympus om2n focus points
brandon77 • Regular Member • Posts: 318
Olympus om2n focus points
Jan seven, 2021
Afterward doing quite a flake of enquiry I'm very interested in getting the Om2n slr. 1 of the things I tin't find data on is how many focus points are available through the viewfinder?
Also Is the metering in camera quite easy to understand, as I've seen a few pictures and looks a bit confusing. Thanks
mennoh • Regular Member • Posts: 136
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
brandon77 wrote:
After doing quite a bit of inquiry I'one thousand very interested in getting the Om2n slr. 1 of the things I tin't find information on is how many focus points are available through the viewfinder?
None. The only electronics in the camera are related to exposure control. The whole system (camera and lenses) is manual focus. And so information technology is not strange you could not find any info on this.
Also looking at the Zuiko lenses, What portrait lens would you nigh recommend in relation to sharpness. From 35 mm to 50? Thanks
The OM2n is a film slr, 35mm format, the format that present is dubbed Full Frame. And so 50mm is a standard lens. For such cameras the preferred focal length for portraits will be around 85mm to 100mm.
Be careful OM system Zuiko lenses have a different mount from Zuiko Digital lenses. The more modernistic Zuiko Digital lenses will non fit the OM2n photographic camera.
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Menno H.
Olympus Stylus Tough TG-850 iHS Olympus E-M1 II Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50mm ane:two.0 Macro Olympus Zuiko Digital ED fifty-200mm 1:ii.8-iii.v SWD Panasonic Leica 12-60mm F2.viii-4.0 ASPH
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
brandon77 wrote:
After doing quite a bit of enquiry I'one thousand very interested in getting the Om2n slr. I of the things I can't find information on is how many focus points are available through the viewfinder?
The term "focus points" is relevant only to machine-focus cameras, which this is non. It's transmission focus only. Only it does have the selection to hands change out the focusing screens; notwithstanding mine came with a central split-epitome surrounded by a microprism collar which worked quite well for me.
Also Is the metering in camera quite easy to sympathize, as I've seen a few pictures and looks a fleck confusing. Thanks
Metering is quite like shooting fish in a barrel - in manual mode just centre the needle by adjusting aperture and/or shutter speed; in automatic mode just adapt the aperture until you get the shutter speed you want. Be enlightened that like most (all?) ttl (through-the-lens) metering systems, if y'all let stray calorie-free enter the viewfinder from behind (sneaking past your eye into the viewfinder), the meter will be fooled into assertive the scene is brighter than information technology is. In automatic mode that will exist compensated for because once the shutter is triggered this camera (revolutionary at the time) measures the automated exposure via the lite billowy off the 1st shutter curtain (which has an interesting pattern printed on it) and the film itself. If you ready the shutter speed to "B", open the back, and trigger the shutter, you can see 2 low-cal detectors in the lesser corners of the mirror box, facing back towards the picture show plane - those are what control the shutter speed in automated mode.
Best wishes,
Lens Grit
Olympus Air Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX85 Panasonic Leica D Vario-Elmar fourteen-150mm F3.5-5.half-dozen Asph Mega OIS Panasonic Lumix Thousand X Vario PZ 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 ASPH OIS Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50 +18 more
OP brandon77 • Regular Member • Posts: 318
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
In respond to mennoh • Jan seven, 2021
mennoh wrote:
brandon77 wrote:
After doing quite a bit of research I'yard very interested in getting the Om2n slr. 1 of the things I can't discover information on is how many focus points are bachelor through the viewfinder?
None. The only electronics in the camera are related to exposure command. The whole organisation (camera and lenses) is manual focus. So it is not strange you could non find whatever info on this
I haven't used a manual lens before, But with digital in that location was always a square to lineup on the person. How would i know where I'one thousand focusing on with manual?
Also looking at the Zuiko lenses, What portrait lens would y'all most recommend in relation to sharpness. From 35 mm to 50? Thanks
The OM2n is a film slr, 35mm format, the format that nowadays is dubbed Full Frame. So 50mm is a standard lens. For such cameras the preferred focal length for portraits will be around 85mm to 100mm.
Exist careful OM organization Zuiko lenses have a different mount from Zuiko Digital lenses. The more modern Zuiko Digital lenses volition not fit the OM2n photographic camera.
Thank y'all that's very helpful!
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Menno H.
OP brandon77 • Regular Member • Posts: 318
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
SterlingBjorndahl wrote:
brandon77 wrote:
After doing quite a bit of research I'm very interested in getting the Om2n slr. Ane of the things I tin can't observe data on is how many focus points are bachelor through the viewfinder?
The term "focus points" is relevant only to auto-focus cameras, which this is non. Information technology's manual focus just. But it does have the option to hands change out the focusing screens; however mine came with a central split-image surrounded by a microprism collar which worked quite well for me.
Too Is the metering in photographic camera quite easy to understand, equally I've seen a few pictures and looks a bit confusing. Cheers
Metering is quite like shooting fish in a barrel - in transmission manner just centre the needle by adjusting discontinuity and/or shutter speed; in automatic mode but accommodate the discontinuity until y'all get the shutter speed you want. Be aware that like most (all?) ttl (through-the-lens) metering systems, if you allow stray low-cal enter the viewfinder from backside (sneaking by your eye into the viewfinder), the meter will be fooled into believing the scene is brighter than it is. In automatic mode that will exist compensated for because one time the shutter is triggered this camera (revolutionary at the fourth dimension) measures the automated exposure via the low-cal bouncing off the 1st shutter mantle (which has an interesting design printed on it) and the film itself. If you lot set up the shutter speed to "B", open the dorsum, and trigger the shutter, you lot can encounter two lite detectors in the bottom corners of the mirror box, facing back towards the motion picture airplane - those are what control the shutter speed in automatic way.
Thanks that'southward very helpful. I'm assuming if I'm shooting in aperture priority, the shutter will and then suit itself?
Best wishes,
Lens Grit
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
brandon77 wrote:
Thanks that's very helpful. I'm assuming if I'm shooting in discontinuity priority, the shutter volition and so adjust itself?
That is correct. And it USUALLY does a adept job, though it can of course exist fooled by the things that normally fool lite meters, such every bit snow or strong backlighting on the subject or light leaking into the viewfinder by your centre.
If you're new to film photography possibly you can find someone to "show y'all the ropes" the offset few times, eastward.g., loading and unloading moving-picture show, how to use dissever-image for focusing, etc. If you're involved in a local camera order there may be someone willing to volunteer.
Lens Grit
Olympus Air Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX85 Panasonic Leica D Vario-Elmar xiv-150mm F3.5-five.6 Asph Mega OIS Panasonic Lumix M X Vario PZ 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 ASPH OIS Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50 +18 more
OP brandon77 • Regular Member • Posts: 318
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
brandon77 wrote:
mennoh wrote:
brandon77 wrote:
Afterwards doing quite a fleck of research I'one thousand very interested in getting the Om2n slr. One of the things I can't find information on is how many focus points are available through the viewfinder?
None. The just electronics in the photographic camera are related to exposure command. The whole system (camera and lenses) is transmission focus. So it is not strange yous could not discover any info on this
Oh 😊
Also looking at the Zuiko lenses, What portrait lens would you most recommend in relation to sharpness. From 35 mm to 50? Thank you
The OM2n is a pic slr, 35mm format, the format that nowadays is dubbed Total Frame. So 50mm is a standard lens. For such cameras the preferred focal length for portraits will exist around 85mm to 100mm.
Exist careful OM system Zuiko lenses have a different mountain from Zuiko Digital lenses. The more modern Zuiko Digital lenses will not fit the OM2n camera.
Thanks that'south very helpful! Could you allow me know if the photographic camera sais with motor bulldoze, What that actually means?
OP brandon77 • Regular Fellow member • Posts: 318
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
SterlingBjorndahl wrote:
brandon77 wrote:
Thanks that'south very helpful. I'g assuming if I'm shooting in aperture priority, the shutter will then adjust itself?
That is correct. And it Ordinarily does a good task, though information technology can of class be fooled by the things that normally fool light meters, such equally snow or strong backlighting on the subject or lite leaking into the viewfinder past your center.
If you're new to moving picture photography mayhap yous can notice someone to "prove yous the ropes" the first few times, e.grand., loading and unloading picture show, how to utilize split-image for focusing, etc. If you're involved in a local camera club in that location may be someone willing to volunteer.
Thanks. I used to shoot with Nikon F100 just wasn't very happy with it
Lens Dust
joeletx • Veteran Member • Posts: 3,793
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
OM-2n is a motion picture based SLR with traditional manual focus setup. All lenses used with motion picture based SLR in this era come up every bit manual focus only. Although yous have the options to go with different detachable focusing screens for different focusing styles.
The standard focusing screen that comes with the camera employs split target circle screen (cat eye) style. To focus, you line up the cat heart circle to the intended object, preferably with vertical edge; you and so plow the focus ring on the lens while carefully detect the targeted object and see if the misaligned edges become on continuous edge. It sounds complicated but millions of pictures take been taken that manner.
Some more than materials found here:
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-M1 Olympus E-M1 Iii Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 70-300mm 1:iv.0-5.6 Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 18-180mm 1:3.5-half-dozen.3 +8 more than
meow • Veteran Member • Posts: 4,051
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
I haven't used a manual lens before, But with digital there was ever a square to lineup on the person. How would i know where I'g focusing on with manual?
Yous know when the object you focus on looks sharp in the viewfinder.
Typically there are focus aids in the heart of the view finder. I don't know about this specific camera, only I'd be surprised if it was different. Y'all'll accept a fresnel lens that shows like a pilus pattern band. Within it is a split up line circle. When the fresnel stops to flicker and the carve up line is no longer divide you lot have focus. Yous also tin apply the whole screen for focusing, just the aids in the heart give more than guidance.
It'southward much easier to focus manually with such a view finder than it is with a mirrorless camera.
This article has a picture of what it looks like.
Olympus Eastward-M1 Olympus 12-40mm F2.8 Pro Olympus xl-150mm F2.8 Pro Venus Laowa 7.5mm F2 MFT 7artisans 7.5mm F2.8 Fisheye +two more
OP brandon77 • Regular Fellow member • Posts: 318
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
In reply to joeletx • Jan viii, 2021
joeletx wrote:
OM-2n is a film based SLR with traditional manual focus setup. All lenses used with film based SLR in this era come up as manual focus only. Although you have the options to go with different detachable focusing screens for different focusing styles.
The standard focusing screen that comes with the photographic camera employs split up target circle screen (cat eye) style. To focus, yous line up the cat eye circle to the intended object, preferably with vertical edge; you then plow the focus ring on the lens while carefully discover the targeted object and see if the misaligned edges get on continuous edge. It sounds complicated just millions of pictures accept been taken that way.
Some more materials found here:
https://world wide
Oh that's great. Thank you 😊
OP brandon77 • Regular Member • Posts: 318
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
In respond to meow • Jan viii, 2021
meow wrote:
I haven't used a manual lens earlier, Simply with digital there was always a square to lineup on the person. How would i know where I'm focusing on with transmission?
You know when the object you focus on looks sharp in the viewfinder.
Typically at that place are focus aids in the center of the view finder. I don't know about this specific photographic camera, only I'd exist surprised if it was different. You'll have a fresnel lens that shows like a hair blueprint band. Inside it is a split line circle. When the fresnel stops to flicker and the split line is no longer split you accept focus. You likewise can use the whole screen for focusing, just the aids in the center give more guidance.
It's much easier to focus manually with such a view finder than it is with a mirrorless camera.
This article has a picture of what it looks like.
paul_kew • Senior Member • Posts: ane,843
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
In answer to meow • Jan viii, 2021
meow wrote:
I haven't used a manual lens earlier, But with digital in that location was e'er a square to lineup on the person. How would i know where I'm focusing on with manual?
You know when the object you focus on looks sharp in the viewfinder.
Typically in that location are focus aids in the centre of the view finder. I don't know nigh this specific camera, just I'd be surprised if it was different. Y'all'll take a fresnel lens that shows like a hair pattern ring. Inside information technology is a split line circumvolve. When the fresnel stops to flicker and the separate line is no longer split y'all have focus. You as well can employ the whole screen for focusing, but the aids in the centre requite more guidance.
It'due south much easier to focus manually with such a view finder than it is with a mirrorless camera.
This commodity has a picture of what information technology looks similar.
It could be different, it depends on which screen the previous possessor was using.
skysurfer5 • Contributing Fellow member • Posts: 943
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
In reply to paul_kew • January ix, 2021
As best I can remember, all variants of the OM-1, OM-2, OM-3, and OM-4 came with the i-13 focusing screen. My OM-1N and OM-4T both came with the 1-13. I afterwards bought the 1-8 for focusing the camera when fastened to a telescope.
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'Is it the only lesson of history that flesh is unteachable?'
…Winston South. Churchill
Olympus E-M1 II Olympus Chiliad.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4-5.half-dozen R Olympus K.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro Olympus 12-40mm F2.8 Pro Olympus 40-150mm F2.8 Pro +eighteen more than
paul_kew • Senior Member • Posts: 1,843
Re: Olympus om2n focus points
I replaced the 13 with a 4.
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